FEATURED POST: recordings

Recordings for class - Fall 2021 (Th4)

Luise Reichardt, Frühlingslied Luise Reichardt, Unruhiger Schlaf Steely Dan, " The Fez " Scott Joplin, The Augustan Waltz(es) Fred...

Fall 2021 - mini-lesson signup and link to rubric

Music Theory IV students are required to present THREE mini-lessons per semester.

To sign up for your mini-lesson add a comment to this post. Your comment should include:

  • Date you plan to give your mini-lesson (avoid days with exams)
  • Composer and title of piece you will be presenting
  • Concept you will be discussing
  • Click here for the rubric 
Please note: you may not do a "Double mini-lesson." If you wish to present about two (or three) different concepts in the same piece, do so during different days.

Here is the rubric: https://docs.google.com/a/westliberty.edu/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdmRxzZB6OVctS5LocfTnqbXO9PKG6BFs_FjN_lhIjvpCTVIw/viewform


  1. I plan to give my first mini lesson on September 21st. The piece I will be presenting is "Mondnacht" by Robert Schumann. The concept I will be discussing is closely related keys.

  2. I plan on doing my mini lesson on Tuesday, October 12th. My piece is "'Women Rock' Act Two" by Gary Backlund. The topic I will be discussing is modulation with closely related keys.

  3. I plan on presenting my mini lesson on October 14, 2021. My Piece is "Rondino" by Jean Philippe Rameau. I will discuss the use of moduolation through closely related keys.

    1. modulation* I hope my presentation is better than my spelling.

  4. I plan to give my second mini lesson on October 26th. The piece I will be presenting is "Auch Kleine Dinge" by Hugo Wolf. I will discuss the usage of the Neapolitan chord. Here is a link to the video, and the example starts at minute 1 (1:00) of the video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_irJhmsaGs

  5. I plan to do my mini lesson on Oct. 28th and discuss secondary dominants in Faure's "Apres un reve."

  6. I plan to do my second mini lesson on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd and discuss the Neapolitan chord in Faure's "Apres un reve." Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMKyTAe6yeM

    1. Not sure why it says "Unknown" but this is Emma Gragan.

  7. I plan to do my second mini lesson on Thursday, November 4th, discussing the binary form in Paul JeanJean's "Arabesques". Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF5SvJyv8w8&t=178s (Start at 0:30)

  8. Kaitlyn's mini-lesson will be on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, as class will not meet in person on the 4th.

  9. I plan to give my final mini lesson on Tuesday, November 9th. I will discuss the use of secondary dominants in "Happier than Ever" by Billie Eilish.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YEbz2Qt3vec (up to 0:52)

  10. I plan on giving my mini lesson on 11/11 discussing a modulation in Yesterday by the beatles

  11. I plan to do my third mini lesson on Thursday, November 18th. I will discuss Ternary Form in Handel's "Da tempeste il legno infranto." Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4DpYgG3FyM
    I would like to listen to the entire piece since it is a Da Capo aria, but the recording is a little over 5 minutes long so I'll try not to talk too much.

  12. I plan on presenting my second mini-lesson on Thursday November 18, 2021. I will be discussing the use of secondary dominants in the popular song, “What A Wonderful Word.” The score being analyzed was arranged by John Brimhall.
    Here is the link: https://youtu.be/A3yCcXgbKrE
    The desired time to be played is from the beginning to approximately 50 seconds in.


    I plan on giving my first mini-lesson on Tuesday, November 30th. I will discuss the Neapolitan chord with “Moonlight Sonata” by Ludwig Van Beethoven. Here is my listening link:

  14. I would like to give my mini-lesson on Tuesday November 23rd. I will be discussing Binary Form in the Allemande of Johann Sebastian Bach's French Suite No. 2 in C Minor
    Here is the link for the recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8pHJZEI0rk

    Audio starts at 0:20

  15. I plan to give my first mini lesson on Tuesday, November 30th. I will be discussing the use of the Neapolitan chord in "Johnny" from Benjamin Britten's Four Cabaret Songs.
    Here is the recording link:

    Audio starts at 1:36 to 2:08

  16. I intend on presenting my final mini-lesson on November 30, 2021. I will be discussing Binary Form in, "Minuet in G" by Johann Sebastian Bach.
    The entire video corresponds to the piece.

  17. I will present my second mini lesson on 11/30/2021 on the use of the Neapolitan chord in the song do you want to know a secret by the beatles (sung by George Harrison)

  18. I would like to present my second mini lesson on November 30th on modal mixture in "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" from Richard Strauss.
    Relevant audio begins at 00:18


  19. If there is time available, I would like to present my last mini lesson on December third on ternary form in Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s March of the Wooden Soldiers
    Below is the link to the recording


  20. I will be presenting my second mini lesson on December third. I will be using Moonlight Sonata again to explain modulation. https://youtu.be/4Tr0otuiQuU
