Your presence, preparation, and participation in the meeting
will count toward the “PP&E” portion of your grade. I will grade this on a
check-plus/check/check-minus/no-credit basis, just like a homework assignment
or mini-quiz, but it will count TRIPLE (15 points instead of 5).
In preparation for your meeting, consider each of the
questions below. The answers should be written in your shared Google Doc (the
same one we use for hearing feedback). “The class” refers to both theory and
ear training, so address both if you are in both classes. Have this done BEFORE
your meeting (some of the 15 points mentioned in the previous paragraph will be specifically for these questions).
- How do you feel the class is going?
- In which area(s) of the class do you feel strong or competent?
- In which area(s) of the class do you still need significant improvement?
- What kind of progress have you made in the class?
- What can you do going forward to increase your degree of success?
- [For ear training only]: How do your self-assessments compare with your grades on Sakai?
Bring the following to the meeting:
Your notebook(s) from theory and ear-training classes
Any returned work (quizzes/exams, etc.)
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