FEATURED POST: recordings

Recordings for class - Fall 2021 (Th4)

Luise Reichardt, Frühlingslied Luise Reichardt, Unruhiger Schlaf Steely Dan, " The Fez " Scott Joplin, The Augustan Waltz(es) Fred...

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Compare and Contrast: Anonymous, "Viderunt omnes", and Paul Simon's, "Sure Don't Feel like Love"

I wanted to compare "Viderunt omnes" and "Sure Don't Feel like Love" because they are the most unique in terms of the pieces given. The Anonymous piece is much older and has an ancient form of part writing. They use numes instead of the regular notation we are used to. I have only performed a piece written like this once and I was in Music History class, so it wasn't a song performed in a choir it was for observation.

The Paul Simon song is different because it isn't classical, or something that would stereo typically be performed by a band or choir. It is upbeat and easy to listen to, whereas with the other pieces I feel obligated to analyze them more in depth. There are more instruments, more variations in the tempo, louder and softer moments, and etc. For this song, you just want to sit and vibe with the music.

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