FEATURED POST: recordings

Recordings for class - Fall 2021 (Th4)

Luise Reichardt, Frühlingslied Luise Reichardt, Unruhiger Schlaf Steely Dan, " The Fez " Scott Joplin, The Augustan Waltz(es) Fred...

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Carmen's Mini Lesson #1

 Hi guys, since my blog will not let me post, Kay is letting me post through her account. Here is my first mini lesson :) there are some errors in my voiceover- sorry about those.


1 comment:


    Thank you for playing the music first! The example of the V7 is quite clear, plus you have several other concepts that we covered this semester, such as the cadential 6/4 and the supertonic triad in 1st inversion. I would have to disagree about the strictness of the resolution from m. 2 to m. 3, however. If we think of each of the four 16th notes in the arpeggiated LH chord as a “voice,” then we can trace the resolutions which look pretty strict. ABb (in both the top and bottom of the arpeggiation), CD, and FF. And although the Eb “disappears” on the 2nd beat of m. 2, if we imagine it persisting through the measure, it goes down to D on the downbeat of m. 3.
