FEATURED POST: recordings

Recordings for class - Fall 2021 (Th4)

Luise Reichardt, Frühlingslied Luise Reichardt, Unruhiger Schlaf Steely Dan, " The Fez " Scott Joplin, The Augustan Waltz(es) Fred...

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Beethoven Piano Sonata Op. 13, ii

     Ludwig Van Beethoven’s Piano Sonata op. 13, movement  No. ii contains various modulations that occur throughout the piece. The first modulation that occurs is in measures sixteen to seventeen when the starting key of AbM modulates to its relative minor Fm at the of a new musical phrase. After the modulation in Fm there is a brief  modulation to its dominant Cm for measures twenty and twenty-one. Measure twenty-two fully modulates to EbM as EbM and Cm are closely related keys but the beginning of the modulation could be considered as occurring a beat earlier when the chord of AbM is being used as a pivot chord between the two closely related keys in measure twenty-one. The piece then modulates back to AbM when the EbM chord in measure twenty-seven is used as a pivot chord between the two keys. The Key modulates to its parallel minor Abm in measure thirty-seven. In measure forty-two the key modulates to EM, but I’m honestly not sure why. I presume it has to do with E being Dominant to A, but the dominant of Ab is Eb. The final modulation of the piece begins in measure forty-eight with a secondary leading tone chord but I don’t believe the full modulation really occurs until measure fifty-one.


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